I believe that using personal devices is more beneficial than school computers as it is more reliable in quality and extends their resources in learning. Overall students should have a say in what they can use as they are young adults who have the responsibility to have a care for their own educational purposes.
Having a personal computer has many advantages for educational purposes. It can be more efficient and faster than using school computers. Personal devices have allowed students to be exposed to more resources as the school limits what programs students can and can’t use. This can affect how students can excel in their classes in which school devices monitor and control what they can do, making it impossible to download programs that will facilitate learning. On a positive note, allowing students to use personal devices would allow a school to reduce computer costs. Schools would not need to supply as many computers and other devices as they currently do if students brought their own. I think it would be a good idea for the school to let the students use their own technology. As the school wouldn’t have to worry about the students breaking the school’s technology, and they wouldn’t have to waste as much money on making sure there are enough devices for everyone.

Many school departments have restricted students to use school devices because they don’t trust them. This is because some students have taken advantage in using it for other purposes such as watching videos, cheating, messaging, playing with their own devices in class, looking up inappropriate content on the Internet, and cyberbullying. Some people feel that the impact of using personal devices will disrupt students in learning. It will bring down bad grades, make students fail or even repeat a grade because of the distraction of personal devices.
Schools should focus on the students perspective in taking away personal devices and comprehend the advantages and disadvantages of using school computers. They should have more trust in young adults and what they can do and find an alternative solution that will please both sides of the argument and focus on the main concern which is providing high quality education.