Recent studies and interviews have shown results of students feeling demotivated based on their teacher’s approach or attitude of teaching in the classroom. Some students in the school favor teachers who are more enthusiastic or active with their students.

Current articles and interviews reveal that a student’s ability to learn is greatly influenced by the teacher’s approach and attitude. Students describe they’re better focused in classes where teachers engage and relate to their students using their own personal experiences or cracking some jokes and showing some enthusiasm in the classroom. Compared to teachers who give a lot of work and not giving a proper explanation or by not engaging with their students, teachers that make it a point to bring students and their own life and perspective into the classroom find that brings more motivation and ultimately completed assignments.
When asked if they noticed any differences in how teachers approached teaching, an 11th grade student said, “Yes, when a teacher makes the class more entertaining it makes staying in the class more enjoyable, also allowing me to focus more rather than being bored.”
Depending on the teacher’s approach to teaching, it can make their students motivated and focused. Students find an enthusiastic and relaxed teacher makes their classes feel more interesting.
One teacher in Leadership and Public Service High School that has a strong impact and motivates their students is Mr. Lama. Students from grades 10 and 11, agree that this teacher has a big impact on his students because of how he relates his personal life to math to keep the subject lively.
A teacher’s attitude and approach to teaching can greatly impact a student’s motivation to learn. Though this is not a student’s only motivation, a positive attitude and relatable tone can give students an interest in the subject. A teacher’s approach to teaching can affect their students ability to focus or stay awake in their classroom. By attempting to make the class and lessons entertaining, students can feel more inspired to learn.