How often do you think schools should be cleaned? According to the NYC InfoHub there is a standard cleaning protocol. The protocol states that there should be enhanced cleaning procedures every day. High risk areas should be thoroughly cleaned. Places like student and teacher desks and classrooms in general. The bathrooms should also be cleaned and disinfected.
In our school, it’s come to some students’ attention that the school should be cleaner. Even if it doesn’t look dirty, we should still be able to have access to basic necessities like hand sanitizer. Students and teachers have had to supply their own hand sanitizer in their classrooms because the dispensers in the hallways are empty. According to one of the deans, Ms, Persaud, after COVID the NYCDOE don’t feel that hand sanitizer is a big demand. This is not only a huge problem, but can cause future health risks. This is also harmful for students who suffer from asthma.

Another issue that has been brought up this year is the water fountains. This year the school installed new filtered water fountains. Students in Journalism classes, periods 6 and 7, have gone around the school building and tested the water for lead. Specifically the water and the paint on the walls. Lead exposure can cause severe damage to the brain and can leave permanent damage to the body. Before the new upgrade, nobody was really drinking the water unless it was from the 12th floor because it was seen as “good water.” About 2 years ago, Ms. Persaud attempted to drink the water from the nearby drinking fountain on the 9th floor. She claims the water wasn’t clear and was in fact very cloudy and said “Im’ not about to drink this”.

How do we know if the water is still safe to drink now? Let’s talk about the water in the bathroom. Now I know you’re thinking, what does the water in the bathroom have to do with the water in the drinking fountains? Well if i can drink it, i should be able to wash my hands with it and vice versa. Have you noticed the sign above the sink that states that the sink water isn’t drinking water? Doesn’t the water all come relatively from the same place? This would be another reason to provide hand sanitizer because the bathrooms also don’t get cleaned well. For some reason there are always things in the sink and there’s a 90% chance that you’ll see it the next day.
Overall the school needs a serious deep clean. How can parents send their kids to school knowing that it’s not clean and extremely unsanitary? The DOE should have the water treated quarterly. It would be a good way to check for lead exposure and check the PH. They should clean the building in general, wipe down the desks, sweep and mop the floors, and more. Hopefully these new water fountains are just the beginning of a cleaner safer school.